Sunday, September 4, 2011


should i say, i'm back? because i just said i don't know what to write anymore just now-___- HAHA. so yeah, i'm BACK !! writing is really not my passion because i never think of becoming a writer slash author slash narrator slash many other jobs that're similar with what i just mentioned above. err wait. what is narrator actually? the man who write scripts and dialogues isn't it? correct me if i'm wrong. what? did i just say correct me if i'm wrong? hell yeah, don't u ever think of doing that ! i was not born to please people, so never feel free to correct me if i'm wrong -___-

now i'm like, ''ENTERTAIN ME people !!'' -.-

i think i'm going to sleep now. bed just learned my name, so it's calling for me now. lol.

p/s : post title tiada kaitan dengan isi kandungan post. maaf. it's just a song by avril.